What We Wrote to Alice and Holden

Whisper to the flowers as the sun begins to fade
Smell the salt slashed breeze as you walk into the wade
Snake through trees, stop the water from falling off the earth
Hug the ground and tell it now, for all that you are worth
Shutter with the rocks, but don’t let them scar your face
Pour out all your anger and bash them in their place
Twirl your fingers tight around my colored hair
Pull the straight curls tight out from nowhere
Touch and pick the lollipops growing in the garden
Pull them from your heart, though I know it’s hardened
Light all the black candles a rim around the house
Blow out each flame as the light you would douse
As silenced as the grave if you would like
Or slice off your head and stick it on a pike
It matters not to me, that you can be sure
Whine to Alice and Holden, they have the cure
I won’t understand it all, but they will be true
But then again, I am Alice and Holden too