Mother Please Miss Me.

I'm doing it for all the right reasons.
I've been thinking about it for almost four seasons.
I can't turn it back now,
If you are reading this, I ended it somehow.
Death had come, wearing a black robe.
He takes away people, all over the globe.

He interverce with people's lifes.
He takes away husbands, children and wifes.
Now my time had come to sing my last song on stage.
I am done with my life, 18 years old of age.
It is depressing how life can be.
But Mother pleas miss me.

I will tell you how i did it, killing myself.
You know that book grandma gave you, on the top shelf?
It was filled with stories, of people that wanted to die.
I feel sorry for those people, i am not going to lie.
They lived in misery and they have no way out.
I am going to end this, i have no doubt.

I might cut myself in pieces, but that leaves such a mess.
I might hang myself from a lamp, but thats never a great sucksess.
Drowning doesn't work and a fire is to slow.
I really have to think of a better way to go.
I don't want you, to clean up after i'm gone.
Or I can kill myself down the street on someone elses lawn.

I have a way to do it, kill myself, you see.
It is a perfect way to end it and not painfull for me.
I'll take a cup of water and mix it with something bad.
I will drink it up, and swallow, see this ain't so bad.
I will fall on the floor, broken tea cup in my hand.
I will write you this letter, to help you understand.

Face this reality, i am really dead.
Face your pain inside and look a little sad.
A white light will guide me to spirits above.
In the heavens I will find, the true meaning of love.
But all I ask of you, please see.
I want to hear you say it mother; you miss me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Public service announcement: Not planning on killing myself.