
Some of us think it’s fun,
To jump around drunk.
Always thinking that you’ve won,
When all you’ve done was flunk.

Everyone thinks that everything’s fine,
When they take another sip.
They always miss their chance to shine,
My parents would probably flip.

Every person never forgets,
The first drink they took.
Hopefully that’s one of their regrets.
Never wanting to put it in their scrap book.

Can’t you just drink some pop?
Because alcohol is much worse.
It’s better than getting in trouble with a cop,
Or riding in the back of a hearse.

Humans weren’t meant,
To do things like this.
Hopefully my message is sent,
That this takes you into abyss.

You’re driving home one night,
You just had a little fun.
Never having any fright,
That your life may just be done.

Flashing headlights get into your eye,
Blinding you a bit.
The angels say it’s your time to fly,
But they’re not sure you’ll make it.

The front of the car meets with yours,
Crashing your windshield.
You’re soon washed up on shores,
Surrounded by green fields.

“Is this heaven?” You ask,
Looking around the strange place.
“That was such a stupid task.”
Your hands are practically pasted to your face.

The dangers are horrible for us,
To take that one sip,
Always a minus not a plus,
To let your life slip.