My Saving Grace

It's not up to you,
To fix me,
Put my life,
My mind,
My heart,
Back together.

I need you,
But you can't be,
My Saving Grace.

It's not up to you,
To fight my battles,
To take every,
Or hit,
For me.

I need you,
But you can't be,
My Saving Grace.

It's not up to you,
To wipe away,
My falling tears,
To fight away,
My inner demons.

I need you,
But you can't be,
My Saving Grace.

It's not up to you,
To hide me,
Away from the rest of the world,
To protect me,
From all the pain.

I need you,
But you can't be,
My Saving Grace.

It's up to Me,
To put my life,
My mind,
My heart,
Back together.

It's up to Me,
To fight,
My own battles,
And take everything,
That is thrown at me.

It's up to Me,
To wipe away,
My falling tears,
To protect myself,
From my demons.

It's up to Me,
To confront the world,
Head on,
And to protect myself,
From all of the pain.

It's up to Me,
To be,
My Own Saving Grace.