That's More Than I Can Say For You

I was always the nice girl,
Being nice to everyone,
Even when they weren't nice to me.

I used to be,
Just another follower,
Another carbon copy,
To add to the bunch.

But one day,
All of the insults,
And mean words,
No longer fell on deaf ears.
I finally heard,
What they had been saying,
All along.

That was the day,
That I decided that,
I wasn't going to be,
A nice girl anymore.

I wasn't going to be,
The clone anymore,
I wasn't going to.
Grin and bear it anymore,
I was going to change.

I took my hair,
Out of my braids,
And put,
A streak of red in instead.

I painted my nails,
The color that would,
Set me apart from the rest,
Of those nauseating preps.

I darkened my makeup,
And wore clothes that,
I liked,
That didn't follow the norm.

I blared my music,
The music with real meaning,
Not the bubble gum pop,
That those repressing preps,
Listen to daily.

I had transformed,
Into the person,
That I had always wanted to be.

As I walked through the school,
The next day,
They pointed,
And starred.
Asking what had happened to me,
Why I had turned into a freak.

But this time,
Their words,
Didn't bother me in the slightest.

Because how can I,
Be the freak,
When I'm being me,
And not trying to be,
Someone else?

Go ahead,
Call me a freak,
An emo chick,
A band geek,
A nerd.

Because I may,
Be all of those things,
But at least I'm me,
And that's more then I can say,
For you.