Christi: An Inventory of Being

My name is Christi, my friends call me Chrissy.
I am fourteen years old.
I am a student at MRHS.

I like to read.
I love to swim.
I hate the cold.

I have brown hair and eyes.
I got four siblings.
I love my mom and dad.

I hate waking up in the morning.
I love school.
I want to be a doctor.

I want five kids, but not yet.
I want a nice house on the water.
I hate mini-skirts.

I am younger than Felix but older than Ashly, Michelle, and Jordan.
I have a brother and a sister I didn’t know about.
My baby cousin was born in February.

My aunt is in Ottawa with my uncle.
My dad is from the states.
I was born in Kentville Nova Scotia.

I am in cadets.
I would like to fly a plane.
I hate homework.

I am forgetful.
I hate cleaning my room.
I have to do chores.

My dad works at the Superstore.
My mom does not work.
My mom is thinking about going back to school.

I got piercings.
I hate tattoos.
I love my cell phone with all my heart.

I hate when my mom takes my cell phone.
My parents don’t understand me like I do them; at least I think I do.
I love to color with my mom.

I hated my dads old glasses they looked so stupid.
My grandma knits me things such as my afghan.
My grandma is in a wheelchair.

My grandfather is a grump most of the time.
My great grandfather died a couple years back.
I miss my dog Buster.

Buster got ran over by my bus.
The bus driver is a singer, really good one at that.
I cry when I feel like it.

My boyfriend cares about me a lot.
I miss my bed when I’m at sleepovers.
I hate the school bus!

I love my van.
My van is dead now which sucks.
I have been in a car that’s made for five people but had seven in it.
I want to move to Texas.
I hate hurricanes but I think they are cool.
It turns out to be the worst day of my life when I get grounded.

I miss the smell of the roses during the fall.
I hate it when the snow flies.
I hate when people scream at you.

My best friend is… um my dairy I guess.
I tell it everything including my darkest secrets.
I hate it when people call me Christi Nicole it gets on my nerves… ah!

I hate the way I look.
I got bad acne, and it sucks.
My hair is short I hate it, I can’t put it up.

I hate French but I’m good at it.
I want to learn Spanish like my mom.
I would like to meet biological father.

I love my room.
My room is dirty.
I hate chores.

I play the clarinet in the band.
My mom use to play the clarinet too.
My dad plays the drums, he claims.

I hate it when my parents talk about the days when they were kids, so boring.
I love little kids.
I hate boys that talks about cars all the time.

I want to meet Sum forty-one.
I love Ontario it’s the best place on earth besides my happy world.
I go hyper all the time when I’m at home.

My mom is a good cook.
I love her lasagna.
My mom treats us all good.
My parents think we are all equal.
My dad thinks I’m an angel while I’m at school.
My dad wants me to be a good student.

My mom thinks I can clean the house.
I hate when my mom tells me to make dinner.
I love making cookies and cakes.

I hate when my cake or cookies don’t turn out right.
My family is my life.
My social life is a big deal to everyone!

I hate when my sister and I fight.
I hate solos in band.
I love band though!

I hate sports.
But I love to shoot hoops.
I want to be in a dance class.

I love the world.
Stopping global warming is important to me.
I love everything about the world.

I miss the smell of the fall.
I miss the spring flowers.
I love the seasons of the world.

My name is Christi, and it is September 23, 2008.

Christi Nicole Condron.