In The Event

In the event
That you might actually have cared
For something resembling a friendship
You could let me know
Those times you vanish
Without a word
And appear to want to speak to me
Days later

In the event
That you actually like me
In the way that people keep telling me
You should stop playing these mind games
Because I hate trying to read the hints
Last time I tried
I don't think I ever stopped hurting from the result

In the event
That you don't even care what I'm saying
And are using me to prove to your friends
You don't care of their opinions as much as you lead
Tell me and stop playing with me
I'm done with people using me

In the event
You care what I think
I'd just like to say
You're the first boy that can make my heart race
Every single time I talk to you
While still being able to talk comfortably
It's welcoming
And I want to thank you
For just sort of... being there

In the event
I get a chance
I'd like to say that you have no idea what you've done
You really don't
But I'll be glad
And it'll be one more thing you've shocked me with

In the event
I actually fall in love with you.