
Depressed and lonely,
my angry boils to the rim,
I don't even mean to do it.

Blades, broken glass,
and sharp things
don't bring me comfort,
I don't even mean to do it.

But, when the earth is screaming,
I listen,
when the world's inhbitors bicker,
I listen,
I don't even mean to do it.

As I said frustration comes easy,
relive involves two hands,
long nails,
angry the size of Mount Everest,
I don't even mean to do it.

Rubbing back and forward,
never bleeding,
just breaking skin,
I don't even mean to do it.

My sisters caused one,
fucking Mr. Korpi caused the second,
now there are two marks of my soul scratched into my wrist,
I don't even mean to do it.

People says it works by riding of pain,
but very addictive,
so ,
never do what I do,
You don't even mean to do it.