
Sometimes I just wanna break
mostly, this life just feels fake
when it's all just too much to take
when I can't stand even being awake

So, where's MY messiah when I feel like this?
It's not like I can buy man made happiness
my mouth, it can't smile, my mind can't feel bliss
where's all the emotions if I'm forced to exist?

I CAN'T cry my own river and drown in the tears
I CAN'T break into my house and rape all my fears
I CAN'T feel anything, stuck like this for years
I'm NOT my old self, no matter how each appears

Oh, what a world, full of kids just like me
disenfranchised by life, we cannot breathe-
poisoned by hate, oh man, how we seethe
poisoned by fate, you wouldn't even believe...

So, what if, just WHAT IF, we COULD show our pains?
Oh my God, JUST ONE TIME, and not just when it rains
we could show off our souls, then we'd ALL go insane-
and slit our own throats, slit ALL the veins...

Holy shit, that'd be fun, I could see it now-
the papers, the press, they'd all be having a cow
forget all their shit, the law's what WE allow!

Hallelujah! Hell broke loose!
Watch me, help me tie my noose
Kill them all! There's no excuse!
This rope, this rage won't be misused!

Thank God almighty, WE ARE FREE AT LAST!
Rip apart ANYTHING that stands in our path!
Destroy all their futures, their presents, and pasts-
'cuz this is our last run, this is just us, alas!


Well, here's my moral: all you souls all around-
in a disconnected world, we are all bound
I know if you're all hurting, if you feel drowned-
explosions and chaos are not very nice sounds...

So, let's try to keep control