The Door

A shadow fell across the hall
upon a dark and shadowed door,
and even though the hallway's small,
it chills you to the core.

A few steps you take , testing ground,
just to make sure it's preserved,
and even though the house is sound,
your fear is still reserved.

The door creaks as it swings ajar,
revealing the contents inside;
the room looks a bit bizarre,
and smells as if someone had died.

A bed was dressed with a linen sheet,
which had a dull, but eeire glow,
and the bed was still warm with heat,
though outside it was twenty below.

A single star shown from the winter's night shy,
which didn't provide much light,
and even with my highly trained eye,
I couldn't see, try as I might.

I hear a scream that's not my own,
and fear shoots through my spine;
soon after I hear a moan,
and a small light begins to shine.

Paralyzed by fear
I stand in place,
and I vanish,
without a trace.