And You Said It Was A Silver Car

Sometimes I wonder
How could I think this was right?
The smile on your face
Surely, it can't be for me
You're the person the people love
The thought is no one likes you
But you have no idea
I want to know where you get such thoughts
Because it's painfully obvious they're lies
Those girls want you with all their heart
Thinking they have a chance
Knowing they've got it
To rub it in my face
No matter how significant - or not
You are to me
They want to show they're worth more than I am
It's probably true too
You started the restless nights
The words you typed were so uncomforting
Had me questioning where it all started
I have yet to find the answer
The sheer luck of a completed goal
That wasn't even there
In the possibility things might have changed
We both know that it won't help
Even if it really, truly did
Once you're gone, it's back to normal
That's how things are looking now

Actually, not normal.