Let Me Be Free

i can't describe what you've done to me
How many times I've tried to break free
But they hold me back to stay longer
Hoping and praying this will make me stronger

They can't see that I'm already dead
Your cruel intentions have fucked up my head
Now all I see is pain and sorrow
And the sun will not come out tomorrow

Tomorrow does not exist in my eyes
Only malice, stares, and heartfelt lies
The ink will dry so that you can feel
My blood from the wound that ceases to heal

Your unspoken guilt left me feeling weak
If only you had decided to speak
Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess
But, of course, you could not confess

But I've said so much that you disregarded
You should have listened when I said I'd be dead
As soon as you looked I knew this was true
Did you finally see this is all for you?

Read my words and understand
I wanted to die with you holding my hand
But no one was here to say farewell
Alone I fall straight into hell

No one will follow me into the dark
Not even for me do they dare to embark
I died alone and alone I shall stay
But hopefully you will know the way

You left without an explanation
Leaving it open for interpretation
It turned out much worse than I originally thought
Yes, I'm unstable and you clearly are not

That does not give you a reason to abandon me
At the time I was normal, for what you could see
But now I'm worse off than I was before
I cannot stay like this anymore

My lifeless body on the floor
Was left there for you to ignore
As accustomed, you will turn away
Mumbling on how you have nothing to say

But that is what got me here
They promised me that they would always be near
But they can never replace the hole in my heart
That you inevitably brutally slashed apart

I know that you truly don't care
Even as you see me lying there
Rubies encompass my arms around
My whimpering sobs are the only sound

As you watch me die, remember what we had
Could it really had been that bad
That you force yourself not to recall
That we had anything to begin with at all

They say you were scared, just plain freaked out
And you fumbled around to choose the right route
But deserting me in my distraught mind
Was the incorrect way to leave me behind

Not only did you destroy my heart
But you took from me another part
My sanity you've stolen from me
So I ended it for you, at last I am free.