Ex's and Oh's Are Not Fun

You just had to do it, didn't you
Push me off and make me remember
Making me think. I know I hate you
I know you feel differently than me
But when I ended it, I meant it
It was the end. I never wanted it to begin again
Never more
You fucking bastard
Why the fuck did you make me remember
Every reason I had for leaving you
The pain you caused me
I'm not gonna be the first notch on that belt
Being dumped off after you had it with me
I'm not that kind of person
But you tried taking advantage of me
Pushing me around, feeling me up
Even after I asked you-- told you to stop
You went along anyway
And after we were over
You come back, pulling me around again
Just to ask me to give "us" a chance
No! You're not worth my time
So just fuck off
And have fun with your hand