I Love You, Do You Love Me?

Ever scar has a story behind it,
Every broken heart has a reason to it. When you tell someone you love them
You supposed to mean it. That night you told me you wanted to marry me. I’ve wondered since then.
Did you ever meant it? Every poem I write. Its always about you. Your like the light that helps me through life. But I just want to know one thing, will we ever get back? I miss your hugs, I miss your kisses.
I miss you saying you love me. Day after day, ill wonder and hope, that if ill ever be able to cope knowing your with another girl. Im always being told to move on. To stop living in the past, what people don’t understand, that the past, is what makes my life. Hour after hour. Day after day, I always hope that ill be your wife one day. When I tell you I love you, I meant it. But everyday I wonder after all the times you hurt me after all you put me through, what you’ve done to me, I still keep going back to you. doesn’t that show you how much I love you? doesn’t it show how much I care about you? When will you get the message, that I, me nobody else just me will love you for you, and always will. Every other girl you’ve dated may have moved on. But I haven’t. for 5months after all I’ve been through, in the summer, im still their for you. doesn’t that show were meant for each other? But if you cant see it now. I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to see the love I have for you. Its so obvious, that I still love you. If everybody else can see that why cant you? I want you to realize I love you very much. I need you to know I always will love you. But I love you more then words could ever say, I care about you more then I could ever show, Alex I would do literally anything for you. Please just understand that. I really want you to know that.