I am from a snowflake landing on your tong
from the leaf that lands softly on the water
I am from the night time songs of the owls and the crickets
I am from the small sparkle of the light in your eye
from the lightning that strikes with vengeance
and the thunder that booms with power
I am from the little things in life
the simple pleasures
I am from the trees that protect
from the water that nurtures
I am from the sea foam washing ashore
from a piece of drift wood being carved into something
I am from a seed planted in the ground ready to grow
from a cocoon ready to burst forth with new life
I am from the soft voice of a mother humming to her new born child
I am from the mysterious places that come with uncertainty
I am from the low hum of the wings of a humming bird
I am from the ripples of a pebble you toss into the water
I am from the wings of eagles
I am from something deep within
I am a grain of sand