A Storm of Wonder

I hear the shot
Like gunfire,
Rings in the sky.
It crackles
Beholds energy
Demands attention
And importance.
With each flash
Across the sky
Like God’s light
Upon us all.
I shiver
And wait
Eyes shine
Impatience drawn
Counting seconds.
The sky is dark
The clouds are crying
Tears fall
Tears of joy
Tears of sadness
They fall to friends.
Oh, happy and sad
Am I
For this joyous work
Of Nature
Could it be imitated?
It steals my breath,
Leaves me
In awe.
The beauty of God’s world.
Surprised I am again
For this event will never die.
The explosion
The crackle
The great roar of fury
And power
Calling its domain
Over us.
It is but both.
To my knees
I fall
I pray
I thank.
For it is a great gift
To live
To breath
To love
And to see a thunderstorm.