My Smellyass Feet

Roses are red, violets are blue
My feet stink and so do you.

They're old and moldy
They smell like pickled eggs
I like the taste of smoked oysters
Oh my God, I'm crazy leggs

Feet, Feet, Feet,
Lick 'em, smell 'em, pinch 'em,
But don't pinch my ass
Or I'll kick you in the balls, you bitch

My feet taste like green apples
That have been rotting in the California
Sun for a good eight months
Harley wants to marry Ville
I worship Billie!
Sue me, hoebags 'cos I'm not through (yet)

Harley says hi
She speaks Finnish because she's that cool
And it scares the mindless fools

Joe looks like a midget version of that asshole from
The first two Home Alone movies.
Oh my God, Michael Jackson just molested my dildo
Not that I have a dildo, because this poem is about
My smellyass feet.

Mr. Malone is a crackhead
I like to fart in my bed
Larissa is a doormat
I shat a pile of bricks
Harley has epic battles with brick walls
Larissa falls in love too Goddam easily

Harley's dangerous around toasters, just like Mikey Way
For all of you amatures, back off, or else she'll kill you with
A carrot stick

She also knows the pencil trick.
