The Sad Lonely Mirror

Tears run down his face
No one knows this happens
No one but me
A mirror
I see everything
Not that anyone knows
All those moments when he just wanted to die
Those times he would cut himself
Those times he would try to commit suicide
By drowning in the bathtub
The crying that would follow from not succeeding
But it wasn’t his fault
He was just tired of making everyone’s day terrible
He thought he was the reason for everyone’s pain
Oh how he was wrong
He made a girl happy
He was the only reason she would smile
But alas I would see her cry in front me
When he died he took her with him
For he was the only one who showed her beauty
But very few see
Their true beauty
Does anyone realize it hurts when some look at their reflection?
Probably not
They just don’t care
Out of everyone in the world
She felt trapped
And that shattered her life forever
So now I have seen two children die in front of me
I shatter myself knowing if I didn’t exist
They would have lived
Oh how I was wrong
I’m only part of the full reason