Hood drawn, face dark, hands covered

Feet slapping wet pavement, dark alley

Big moon, bright moon, pale moon

Small shop, lights dim, unlocked door

Handle turned, hinges squeak, owner looks

Steel, cold steel against my flesh

Money, hundreds, drugs,life

Knife out slashing, threatening

Money in bag, my bag, my hands

Lights flash, sirens blare, deafening

Owner turns, runs, hides

Knife out, swings, hits

Pale flesh opens, blood pours

Covered in blood, both of us

Money, clothes bloodstained

Blood pours like rain

Worker enters, screams, charges

Knife out once more

Calm face, small smile


Throat opens, blood sprays, showers

Body falls,knife plunges over and over

Warmth covers my face, my body

More flashing lights, sirens, cars

Guns, yells, demands

I Smile pressing the blade to my throat

The cold turns warm as it slowly breaks skin

Blood trickling, running

Light dims as I succomb to the ecstacy of pain

Gun shots
