Were Meant To Be.

every night and day I ask, why do I still love you to this day?
I know you were the boy I met back in may,
But why were you afraid?
You told me you loved me, you promised me many things,
But one thing you never mentioned, was a ring.
Were you afraid to ask?
Or are we still to young,

You told me you wanted to marry me,
But when you left, my pain stung.
Was everything a lie, if so. Why?

Every girl has a heart,
Not all of us are strong,
To many times you had to break my heart,
Right from the very start,

You became apart,
Our friendship grew,
And we became tight, I loved you for you,

To bad you let me take flight.
Now that I have another guy,
I want to know, why.
You left me after you told me those very strong words.
I just wanted to be with you again,
But was their any laughter?

You tried to hide you being with somebody else from me.
I found out, I thought I should leave, but instead I stayed cause still to do this,
My love for you means to much,

One day will we ever be? What I wanted most was my dream,
Every girl wanted you, you had their hearts,
But most of the time I ask, why was it so hard?

You told me the first time, you never knew it would hurt this much,
But if you listened to your words, our love would me such,
The second time you said it was because of another girl,
that’s when I started to cut, of how lucky she was,
The third time came around it hurt a lot,
You said it was another girl, but that next night we nearly fought.

One day will you ever see these poems im writing could be our dreams,
Our hearts shall one day agree, we love each other, and should be together peacefully,
Someday I hope you will see, how much our love could mean.

Now that were 13, we had good times and great laughs, too bad our hearts were torn in half,
Sometimes I wonder if you really were into her? Or was it because you had more faith in her.
Time after time these poems were a rhyme, now their slowly becoming part of me,

In my heart, I know their will be a next time, will you please not hurt me? that’s all I ask, just one simple task.
But to you that’s like an impossible fact, 10 days we were together to be exact, don’t you understand my heart is as fragile as a feather, or is that another fact. These poems might mean nothing, but to me they hold a key to something, that shall forever glow,
No matter how many times I have to sew, my heart will always have my love,
To know, im not just a dove anymore , the love that I will make last, the love I have for you to this day,
will be forever, and I know we’ll stay together.

I just want you to know if we had it my way, our hearts would reach out to each other,
Cause we are meant to be lovers.

Our love lives maybe cloudy not yet clear, but don’t yet fear, everything is all right hear.
I know you well enough to see, you’ll come back to me.
Maybe one day we all can see, that these poems are our dreams.