battle of love

Now that I have the one I truly love, it feels as if its crumbling down like a old brick building just waiting to collapse, people tell me she doesn’t love me, she tells me she does, I don’t know who to believe, My heart is starting to crack and my lungs are starting to cave in, and I don’t think I’ll be able to breath for much longer, every breath I take in gets shorter and so does my life, This dream that is coming true is starting to turn into a night mare that I can’t escape, I wish I could because right now all I want to do is cry, but I don’t I must stay strong I mustn’t cave in, I will survive the battle of love I know I will but just barley because I can feel myself falling apart piece by piece but when this battle is over I’ll take those pieces and put them back together again at least I’ll try. The only thing is its getting harder and harder every day. Because every day I see her more and more and every time I see her all I want to do is cry because I don’t know whether or not what we share is true or a lie, one big lie I am living but why if she tells me she loves me then why must she fake it because I don’t know whether or not her love is real or not, Every day I wonder if what we have we will lose or should I say I lose, every day that she tells me she loves me I can feel that if she doesn’t tell me soon it will only be harder in the end when she tells she doesn’t love me and that it was all a lie and once again I’ll break on the inside because of some one else, I can feel my heart its starting to bleed, I started to slow down, my breathing starts to slow down, I can feel everything spin around me and going black, I collapse with a silent crash, I wake up and no one is around and I get up and run, I run till I can’t been seen and never will be seen, now all I am is a lost soul.