A Daughter's Cry

The cold silence ran through her as
She's enclosed in a box
Alone with her thought's
The knife to her wrist
The bloody last kiss
Was not enough to save her from herself
Her sanity was out of reach high on the shelf

She sat and cried
Recalling all the lies
She even thought of the day he died
His last words before he closed his eyes was Goodbye
Goodbye to the world and mostly to her
Blood in her eye's, the vision was blurred
Death was the only known cure

She's been in the box ever since the day he died
Now, while she sits and cries
The secrets revealed, even the lies
He loved her, he always had
It wasn't her fault her life was so bad
The problem was the dad

He never loved his daughter the way she loved him
Maybe this was the biggest sin?
As she thinks of her dad
And remembered the horrible life she had
Maybe after all things weren't so bad
But now life's better solely because
Her memories of him are wrapped over in gauze