No Way To Live The Sadness Of It!

Here i am rapped up in my own thoughts because I'm bored as hell and all my thoughts come out to say why am i so sad?
Why do i think these suicidal thoughts?
Are they worth it?

I don't believe them but they they haunt me when i sleep.
As long as i have friends i know i should be fine but the truth is I'm not.
I think of life and i know I'll only ever be guarantied one thing and that is to die.
So until then I'll be waiting for death to take me away.
I don't think I'll ever find happiness until i die a slow and painful death.
That is the only way I'll take it unless you have a better offer.
If i die i know some other people will die.
When i don't want them to because they deserve better then that as long as they still have each other that's all that counts.
Because I'm not worth tears or blood.
I'm not worth anything i can only say goodbye life.