Colors of the Rainbow

Red -- It's the color of an apple, the one assumed bitten by Eve. It's the color of Jesus' blood, when He died for us, the day He took his leave.

Orange -- A sunny color, full of joy and happiness. It's shine brings itself by the sun God made upon us.

Yellow -- Silly, crazy, so bright it'll make you cower. It's the wonderful color of a huge sunflower.

Green -- The color on every type of plant, whether bushes, trees, or grass. Praise Him, alas!

Blue -- It's holding clouds, the ones that soar so high. It's the color of the everlasting sky.

Purple -- It's not of anything in particular. Not like all the others. But it is something special! He put it in the rainboy, didn't He? It's as special as a star.

The colors of the rainbow! Whether red or orange, whether green or blue, whether it's purple or not, it just like me and you! We're unique in our own way, but the Lord has a purpose for us. So we better stay on the right path, we better not be a stray.