The Sound of My Heart

What the hell is happening,
I'm stuck with what to write.
I don't understand,
How do i tell you this without a fight?
I don't know what to say,
and i don't know how to act.
For everything i do always terns out wrong.

How do i tell you that you're all i ever think about,
You're my friend and i don't want to lose you,
I've lost so many; i don't want to lose you too.
I'm struggling to come to terms with this,
Things have never felt this complex.
I need you,
I keep telling myself,
I just can't live a day without you;
But what I'm feeling isn't love.

My heart is saying yes,
But my head is saying no.
people are always saying listen to your heart,
But I'm stuck with which way to go.
I have a friend who listened, and things are okay,
But everything is based upon trust,
and I'm not going to say yes when all i have is lust.

Sometimes i wish you felt the same,
But it would just make things worse.
I'm stuck loving the wrong people,
Its as if I'm under a curse.

So i sit here pondering,
Longing and wondering,
Hoping you feel the same.
But i guess I'll just have to wait till i hear from you again.