
You think you can change it,

You think you can save me

I am nothing to you

You LIE!

The lies you tell mean nothing now,

You are nothing anymore

Lie, Lie, Lie

That is all you can do now

There is nothing to save anymore,

There is nothing to change

You are nothing to me

I Lie!

The lies I tell mean nothing now,

I am nothing anymore

Lie, Lie, Lie

That is all I can do now

I wish you can change it,

I wish you can save me now,

I am withering away before your eyes

Please say its not a lie!

The lies I hear mean nothing now,

Everything means nothing anymore

Lie, Lie, Lie

That is all that they can do now

Please change it,

Please save me

I don’t want to be nothing

Don’t Lie!