Stupid Me..

Stupid me...
I let the
best thing
I've ever had
and ever will have,
Slip through
my shakey
little fingers.

Stupid me...
I've messed
it all up!
And it
will never
be the same.

Stupid me...
For thinking
I needed to
find what
I thought
I needed..
when really I had
everything I
ever needed
right next to me.

Stupid me...
For everything I've
done to him.
For putting him through
all these emotions.
For making him think
he didnt deserve me,
when really it was I
who didnt deserve him.

Stupid me...
For thinking he would
take me back.

And most of all..

Stupid me...
For letting go of a
great guy,
who actually
love me for me.
Who showed me that
not all guys are the same.
Who wasnt afraid to
show his emotions.

And to think..
I pushed him away...

Stupid Me!!!