
If I could articulate a list
Things I adore about you
It'd be difficult to fill a single page
Your imperfections are something I'd include
But the negativity
That surrounds and engulfs you
Such a beautiful girl
With a phobia of loneliness

He has possession over you
Declares ownage of your body, mind, and heart
Refuses to hand you the shirt off his back
His presence overpowers what you radiate
A single star in the darkened skies
I can't seem to find the reason
Why you swarm him with your love

The innocence when you blush
When you walk into a room
All attention on you
The girl I have my arm around
Is nothing compared to your view
You breath, you sigh, your hands intertwined
I want to isolate you
And show you what I can give you

I'd partake in your dreams
Let you strive to be what you want to be
Inspire your heart
See the light from the dark
The contrasts will astound you
His jagged life he's set on you
I'll cut the reins and let you live with freedoms

All these emotions I have
For the girl across the room
She smiles and she laughs
A sight and sound I could grow old with

But he's got his arm around you
Engaging you in this dangerous love
He may hurt you
I wouldn't dare to

Our eyes meet
Tints of unsure and unwavering insecurity
You're weary
Lips upturn, a crocked smile
I have a hidden agenda

A guilty feeling
I've had you once, and lost you to him
Vowing, I'll show you the love
I promised
I'll stay true for a girl like you