stupid boys and stupid girls

They say that im your
dirty little chore
Is it true what they say
The shit i hear everyday

I pretend like i dont care
but its all wear and tear
Dont you think it gets to me
When they say we arent meant to be

Am i just another whore to you
Another heart that you can use
I have feelings to you know
I just dont ever let them show

Just because you dont see me cry
Doesnt mean i dont hurt inside
If you love me tell the world about us
But you keep your lips sealed in an embaressed hush

I knew you never loved me when you looked at her
Dont give me that stupid look i saw that stare
that stare that you gave me at the start
The one that lead me on and broke my heart

I gave you everything i had to give
I loved you with every inch of life i live
And you used my heart just like a tool
And i didnt see it coming like a damn fool

Why do i get mixed up in this
All this mess of strangled shit
You hurt me daily and here i wait
For you to realize and take the bait

Well here i am im using you
Its obvious thats all you ever do
get over yourself your another stupid boy
who used another stupid girl as your love toy

Im fed up with this so im packing my things
I have long moved on Im playing with new strings
I got me a new boy who loves me right
I perfected my lies and had you fooled every night
for a long long time i have been with him
just like you and her did you think i didnt know?
Im not that stupid and im not that blind
Dont leave any of your shit behind
This isnt how i wanted it to be
but obviously its the only way for it to be
You know ill end up happy
no matter what happens to me
Your just a jealous little prick
With a good for nothing dick
Your gonna regret this one day baby
The taste of revenge has never been so sweet.