
I don't know what it was
About that 2nd Tuesday of October
But it was one of the best days
Somehow...different, in a way

You were so cheerful and sweet
Even more so than usual
The atmosphere was light and lovely
It was almost as if you loved me...

Before drumline began we talked
As I helped you set up I got hurt
You hugged me lovingly and said sorry
Then as I walked away, again you embraced me

I asked why and you said, "You're leaving"
And I said, "No I'm not"
But you said, "It's like your leaving"
That made my heart melt and sing

When I was watching and listening to the drumline
You didn't have your music so you came and sat with me
You played with me hair
It made me feel special, like you cared

We talked, you said
If I died or killed myself
You would be depressed for the rest of your life
You words shallowed the cuts of Jeremy's knife

You said you'd never turn on me
I believe you and trust you more than anyone
You make my days bearable
Without you I'd be miserable

I'll always remember that Tuesday
That 2nd Tuesday of October
How you gave me six hugs so lovingly
How it seemed as if you loved me...