Trust or Bust

Take the gamble
Answer the whim
Don't think of the inner shamble
Don't let your light get dim

No! No! NO!
I won't fall again!
I won't go into woe
Others won't cause me pain

It'll be differnt
Tradgeys won't repeat
Soul won't be bent
Minds won't be beat

So sure are we?
Even from all the others?
How they would hurt and flee
Betray their own brothers

What happen on trust?
And the good times that were had?
When joy was to burst
And you couldn't be more glad

Trying to make me laugh? Trust?
That has gone away
Grown tired and rust
Doubt the others will nay"


No argument for that? How sad.

People aren't that bad...

No I'm just that mad.

Kimberly Piet © 2008