
Her fingers grazed the tip of the blade ever so slightly. Her mind was filled with questions left un-answered. Why did her dad have to be an alcoholic? Why did he choose her to beat? Had she done something wrong?

None of her questions were going to be answered though. She slowly reached forward and plucked the blade from its spot restring on the bathroom counter. She stepped into the bathtub and sat down, she brought the blade to her wrist and slowly dragged it along her chosen path. She watched as a trail of blood flowed from her wrist and ran down her arm, she felt sense of sadistic happiness as she lowered her wrist into the tub.

The once pure water was now tainted with streams of her crimson blood, she turned towards the mirror, where she had placed a video camera earlier, blew a kiss and slowly slinked into a state of un-conscious slumber, never to be woken again.