
I see your face and I can’t help smiling.
You touch my hand making me feel like
flying. You are my dream come true when
I’m feel blue. You lift me up when I fall.
You make me walk when I want to crawl.

You give me faith in the mists of my troubled
sea. Never once have you left my side cause
all we need is one another. Your gruff words
bring me to life. My laughter has return
because you are in my life.

I never have been so happy in a world filled
with sorrow. All I know is I can make past
today and tomorrow with you by my side. Never
knew love could be so grand who knew what the
man up stairs had within his hands.

It might be foolishly happy, but I like it a lot.
Don’t let this day, this hour, or this minute
pass if it won’t last a lifetime. Let me live in
this moment forever and ever. If true happiness
comes once in a Lifetime as they say, but I won’t
believe it.

If I can’t live in this moment forever. I will soak
in every ounce until the end. Then draw from it like
a well until the spell is over. For now I will live
a full life not a fool’s life. I will love with all
my heart and someone to love me with all their heart.