
A past so clear, but hid out of fear. Tears in the
shadow of night give flight. No one sees your
pain they only play the game. You know the
game. You know her rules never missing a
chance to play you like a fool.

Years of playing the fool not a end in sight.
You’ve fought this fight with all your might.
You just want to die out of spite, but tonight is
not your night. Another day will come go as the
sun sets the earth a glow.

Not a trace of the day before for you hide it well.
You don’t see it do you for I can tell. Time has
worn you down over the years. Your light of hope
flickers like a dying flame. One more time will
you feel this pain.

For alas God has seen your pain in the light of day. He
reaches his hand out to grasp yours. Wrapped in his
everlasting love you are safe from all harm. Home in
you father’s arm where you belong. No more tears to
be fall for all is well.