
Friends are all a girl ever needs
When she needs support or help
She has her friends

The people that won’t moan about you,
Being in prison for doing something bad,
They will be the ones laughing along with you in the cell!

Friends are always reliable
And they will give you their earnest opinion
“You look hot!”, “Oh my god, your butt looks huge!”

Friends wont lie to you,
Not unless it is crucial,
Like a guy or clothes

Friends are the ones,
That you are guaranteed to remember
When your old and grey

The friends that help you the most
Are usually the ones
That you hate the most

They usually come out with
Smart-ass comments that you seem to retain
No matter how much you try to forget them

Friends are the people that everyone has
No matter who you are:
You have friends

Even the tramps on the street,
They have friends
It may be a pigeon or a bin, but they are friends

Your friends are the people who
Give you the heads-up on the latest stuff,
Parties, guys, clothes or funny words!

Friends are the ones who you can talk to on msn
And then come out with a random word and they will play along
Even though it looks so dumb!

Friends are people that you have a connection with
Whether it is with music, family, mum’s friends or school
You will always have a reason for being friends with them

Friends are the best, friends are the worst
Friends at the prettiest
But friends are your girls!