Your Voice

The feelings inside of me are wanting to come out
I hear lyrics of songs and feel so much alike
You talk about your influences, inspirations and thoughts
I am mesmerised by your beauty as you sit there and talk

Your voice is so soothing
It could flow through my hand like silk
Your tone is so loving , southern and sweet

Sometimes I just sit with my eyes closed and listen
To the sweet words, caressed by your lips
They turn out rounded off and not a sharp edge in sight
Your voice calms the storm that is raging to come out

Oh my god I feel calm, sweeping through my body
My fist unfurls to reveal a smooth palm
I no longer feel like the outsider and odd
I just need to listen to your voice to relax my brain

I cannot put into words what your voice does to me
Like cocaine, it numbs me to a still
When I am stressed, I wish I could listen
To your sweet voice, like an angel singing

All my worries flow out of my body
And all your memories flow back in

I no longer have to worry as long as I can hear
Your voice at any time, at school or not
But the teachers wont let me, they just don’t realise
When I am stressed and cannot concentrate,
All I need is my mp3 player and your voice to comfort me

You just don’t realise what your voice does to me
I feel complete and at ease with the world
I sit back, close my eyes and forget about my worries
My ears do the listening and your mouth does the talking

Oh my love, my sweet soother
My drug to numb my senses and brain
All I need is you, to make me feel calm
All I need is you, to make me complete

The words are cut off by your hastiness to continue
It sounds so original and no one could copy
I want to dream about you all night long
And carry on into the day

Jumpy and smooth is all I hear
I want to laugh at your silliness, if only you could hear!

You know I just realised, that no one would guess
Who the hell I am talking about! God if you only knew!
See this is the reason why no one understands me
They don’t know how it feels to know,
That everyone is talking behind your back: just like your dumb
They don’t know how it feels to sit down and not look at a screen
And expect to see the answer, entertainment or comedy
All you really need is a set of earphones and a tape

To hear your sweet voice, to me is just ecstasy
To listen to the feeling put behind your words
To know that what you say is coming from your mouth
To know that this will see confused eyes

Wow this is cool! To know that you: yes you reading this!
Know nothing of my passion, nothing that will set me free
When I am crying because I am tense and cannot concentrate
When the teacher is panicking with what to do,
When the drugs don’t work and therapy has no effect,
All you needed was my mp3 player…I told you that

But you just didn’t listen, did you?
No you didn’t. you sat there and thought
“oh you will never get into this state”
With your notepad, and supposed “intellectual” brain.
JUST THINK! That is what your brain is for.

What did I tell you long ago?
I told you that the voice of my love will do
That the voice of the angel will drown my brain with serenity
Meaning that I will no longer rock back and forth, mumbling things to myself
I will no longer panic and sit in the corner and cry

All I will do is relax.
That is all. Relax.
Sit slumped in my chair with my eyes closed and thinking
Earphones in my ears and nothing will disturb the numbing

Your voice, oh like honey it glides
Through my brain cooling the hottest of lies
I feel calm, and will do for the rest of the day
Pupils will no longer have to worry
About getting in my way.

Oh yes, your voice is doing the trick
Southern, sweet and sensual
The s’s come alive
The feeling in my mind, overrides the tension and anger

Oh my god, I don’t know what else to say
Except: listening to you, is heaven on earth
Angel, come to me and sooth my hurt
I love you with all my heart and always will
Rock me to sleep and sing me still.