As if they are there

They are there;
I swear they are
As I lean closer
I can feel your breath on my cheek,
The light touch of your hand
As you take mine into your own
And tell me that everything is false
Tell me that I am safe
While they do shout,
Louder and louder,
The numbers,
bigger and bigger,
The fear,
Closer and closer
They are closer,
Yonder, not this time dear.

You tell me its not true
But I am too afraid to believe you.
They are there,
Can't you see them?
Can you not hear them?
Their shouts and screams,
Their numbers, bigger and bigger

Still you hold me close,
And tell me that it's false
And I try to believe you,
Against all odds,
Though they are there,
They fade.

They leave my quivering in the dark,
Stained by sweat and tears,
The tickle of your breath on my cheek,
The ringing of their shouts in my ears.