Her Hell

The girl lay in the grass
A dreamy smile painted on her face

Clouds slowly, lazily, gently floated past
No shapes, yet so many shapes

Grass was so green it was almost fake looking
Soft, sweet, tall grass

Blue skys painted in the sky
Handcrafted by Da Vinci himself

Laughter floated in with the breeze
Children laughter and sighs of the girl

The bright, blinding sun lowered it in the sky
Sky got a darker blue

Clouds floated away
Sparkling pieces of dust in space twinkled

Laughter floated away
Sighs stopped

Warmth disapeared
Cold crept in

With a shiver and sigh
The girl stretch, her black hair layed out across the grass

Lights appeared
Shouts started

Without moving, the girl was indifferent
Who was it? She didn't care

The girl was free from the world
Floating in space with all of the stars and planets

Shouts got louder
Sirens started

Heat started
Cold started

Hell was freezing over
Hell was fighting back

The girl finally sat up

What was causing such commotion
Everything was wrong

The grass was burning
The sky was too dark


With an agonized scream
The girl realized what was happening

Her heart was being ripped out
Right through her chest

It started out so happy, so perfect
How could it turn out like this?

Life was ending
Why live when her true love was gone?

Her love was gone
And she didn't know what had happened

He had gone for another girl
She wasn't good enough

She stood up and walked through the burning grass
Into the dark night

With a sob
She fell back onto her back

Everything turned back to its original
Everything back to perfect

But nothing was perfect
He was gone