
I promised you
I promised you I wouldn't break because of them
You said to me:
"Be Yourself! I'll always be your friend.

It doesn't matter what they call you
No matter what they do
Stand up straight, keep your head up high
And just stay true to you.

It's not them you have to live with
Through your life until you die
Right now you're beautiful; you still have hope
Now's not the time to cry.

So wipe away those tears
They're not worth changing your ideals
I know it hurts, I know you're sick
But with time every wound heals.

You have to stop pretending!
Stop turning your true self away so far
Can you honestly not see,
That so many people love you just the way you are?

You're the most talented person I know
But you hide it, I don't know why
Why do you hide it?
When if you let it go your spirits would fly."

I looked at you strangely,
I simply didn't believe.
You were so far from the truth.
Or so I thought but I was deceived.

I opened my mouth to argue,
To tell you that you were crazed.
But as I formed the words; I also thought.
And gradually became amazed.

However I was not fully convinced
And I was still upset; I still felt stranded
But as I gazed upon your smiling face
I knew I would never truly be abandoned.

I was still yet to respond to your words
So I opened my mouth and sighed.
"If I'm the great person you say I am
Why do these people hurt me and make me hide?"

"Because they saw your spirit and said
She's got something good let's tear her down!
Her smile is prettier than mine,
Let's make her wear a frown!

Don't give them what they want!"
I looked at you and replied; you reached accross and took my hand
"That doesn't make much sense
Honestly I don't understand."

I didn’t understand then
But now I do and I see you’re right.
I really have been pretending
Hiding my true self from the light.

“But I don’t know how to change.
After so long of playing this charade every day
I have tried and tried to be myself
But when I open my mouth I don’t know what to say.

I’ll need some help to do this
Some encouragement; some love.”
I looked deep inside your eyes
And found my own shining white dove.

“I’ll help you, as much as I can.
That is my promise; that’s what I’m going to do.
No matter what you do, who you are,
You’re my friend and I love you.”