I Love You

The butterflies in my stomach,
My knees feel weak,
Every time I’m near you,
I can barely speak,
I blush at every compliment,
And can’t help but smile,
If I haven’t already,
I’m going to go crazy in a little while,
I wish I wasn’t so nervous,
I hope I don’t say something dumb,
But you feeling the same way,
Is very seldom,
You’re perfect,
Your eyes, body, hair,
Everything about you,
Are you even aware?
You walk up to me,
A smile on your face,
My heart beats faster and faster,
My mind starts to race,
We start to talk,
When you ask me something,
My answer was yes,
And I couldn’t stop smiling,
While we were sitting together,
You whispered something in my ear,
“I love you”,
Something people would die to hear.