Writer's Block

Have you ever got that itchy feeling,
to just jot a story down?
But, couldn't think of anything,
and never got past the first noun?

Well, I'm experiencing writers block,
and I don't know about you.
But, I'm gonna try and twist it,
to make it into something new.

Hopefully by the end of this,
the definition will turn.
But, is that even possible?
Will I ever learn?

As you can see writers block,
has begun to twist my mind.
For I am getting of track,
and very far behind?

Apparently writers block,
could be a cronic problem.
So why wouldn't scientists,
try to stop or solve 'em?

There I go off again,
talking about nothing.
And when I look up rhyming words,
It says it rhymes with bluffing.

I can't believe I made this up,
I can't believe I got this far.
I got this far with writers block,
I find that very bizarre.

Maybe the definition of writers block,
did not changed at all.
But, writing all this down,
was shurely a ball.

I think I'll wrap this up now,
for I bet you don't wanna read more.
But, hopefully though out this,
we did not here you snore.

"Zzz" in texting,
means you are very bored.
But after you read these last lines,
It can be ignored.