
It's hard to contain this pain.
I love you with all my heart and soul,
But all I can ever feel is heartache.
You say you love me,
And you say you're sorry,
But I know you are not.
You keep doing these things to me,
Just to see how much my stitched up heart can take.

I can assure you it can't take much more.
I'm used to the pain by now,
But there is no sense in hiding it.
It is taking over my mind,
My life.
I'm still so young,
Yet this mind is much older.
I understand what you're trying to say.
And I can say it for you.

This love isn't what it was cut out to be.
So maybe we aren't ment to be.
I love you, I always will.
But now it is time to go our separate ways.