To Be or Not To Be

To push or not to push that’s the question:
Is it magnanimous to keep pushing
Through ridges and cliffs to fall back down
Or to let go of the rock to roll down
And go down with it to sleep as a death
No more pushing, just slumber away, done
The gashes and the slashes along gone
Allowing adequate decomposing
A devout desire into full slumber
Peradventure to dreams-Ah the unknown
For dreams induce questionable out comes
For abandoning the miserable rock
A hesitant trice of the other averse
The stupidity of thriving for time
What man would bare the plowing through out time
Gods watching and other plowing arrogantly by
Love is not love, order is not order
For orderers incorrect do order
Upon the meek who endure the jostle
When he himself could end it in slumber
With questionable dreams? Who would go push,
To endure the sweat and agony of life,
But the fear of the unknown to approach
The questionable aura from any sphere
Where no dreamers return, pauses action
It makes us rather continue to push
Rather than choose to go into aura?
The voice in our heads makes us pitiful
So the choice of revolution awaits
Making our ponder turn into sickness
Causing the men of immense endurance
To disregard the thought of to give up all
And lose the name of action of pushing

-This is from Hamlet by Shakespeare. I Just re-wrote it in modern form.