Where Were You?

Where were you when I needed you?
You left me stranded, on my own, and alone.
I was left for dead,
But did you care?
Did you think of the consequences?
My heart in a million pieces,
I don’t want you anymore.
Please go, and don’t look back.
If you honestly wanted me,
Why weren’t you by my side?
I guess you were too busy for me,
But why ignore me?
I loved you, but I guess you didn’t love me.
You come to me,
Asking for forgiveness, begging for redemption,
But I don’t want to, don’t need to.
I can’t ever forgive and forget.
You were significant, but I don’t think you felt the same.
Maybe that’s what you get for falling too fast,
For thinking it was meant to be,
I thought what we had was special,
It was pretty much worthless.
When my tears fell,
You weren’t there to heal me,
Or at least tell me its going to be okay,
But it’s not okay,
I’m not okay.