
If you dream them too often,
Will dreams come true?
Or will they wear out
Just like you?

I tried holding on
To my dream one day,
But the wind was too strong,
It just blew it away.

I shortly stood stunned,
Until I thought to myself,
"I have an idea!
I'll put it on a shelf!"

I squeezed the dream tight,
And sealed it in a jar.
But then the glass burst
While the dreams flew far.

I sat down and sobbed,
until my companions drew near,
and they politley asked,
"What's the occasion for tears?"

As I collected myself
I told them with sorrow,
"My dreams have left me
Until tomorrow."

They told me, "Don't worry!
For we have a plan!"
"Tonight we will travel,
Down to DreamLand!"

So we packed all our things,
And took off that night.
Until shortly after
I lied down and slept tight.

I went far away,
To this wonderful place!
With princes and dragons
And a swift horse race.

I mounted a horse
And off they took.
We took first place,
But there was a crook!

He stole everything,
the prizes we won!
He even took
The Old King's son!

My horse and I hurried after
To catch the twisted one.
We retrieved everything,
Including the Old King's son!

The Old King loved me!
People rejoiced in the land.
My steed neighed proudly
As the prince took my hand.

"Wake up!" My friends shouted,
"We think we're lost!"
"Finding DreamLand,
Has it's own cost!"

"Don't worry my friends."
I calmly replied.
"Let's go home."
They agreed with a sigh.

When we went home,
I bid them ado.
I called out to them,
"DreamLand is true!"

The next day they came,
with smiles on their face,
"We've been to DreamLand,
That magical place!"

"I saw trolls!"
"I saw knights!"
"I saw weddings!"
"I saw fights!"

As we laughed together,
over our dreams.
We replayed the most
unimaginable scenes.

I will try no longer
To capture them.
My dreams are worth sharing,
Among my friends.