An Icky Love Poem

I saw the way you looked at him.
I saw how you must have felt.
The surface of which I could barely skim
I saw how he could make your heart melt.

I sit on the sidelines, watching the game
Constantly yearning to be in his place
The way in which Fortune yearns for Fame
I wanted to see the desire on your face.

I don’t have much for you,
Only my heart, and soul, too
I’m not after your assets or looks,
I’m not like the guys in the books.

I want to be for you what is best,
I’ll look at your eyes, not at your chest
And tell you, being quite clear,
That I love you, and I am sincere.

But it wouldn’t ever end up that way,
All I can do is hope and pray
That you will finally see one day
I am one that can love you that way.