Not Around

Once a week,
I break down.
The only person who understands,
Isn’t around
He hasn’t been for a year.
He goes away,
And eventually comes back.
But it’s never the same.
I’m always the same,
But he’s the one that’s different
Not like it matters,
If his hair is another color.
He knows what they do to me,
But can’t make it better,
Because he’s never around
In great weather.
He’s always on business trips
With the rest of his crew,
And he won’t even stop to say I love you.
My eyes fill with tears
After 5 months of waiting
Not a call, not even a letter
I’ve sunk deeper into the darkness that is my mind
Just waiting for him to come back
So I can restart time
Right where we left off
From the moment in line
As the darkness fades
Everything will be just fine.