Playing a Game of Life

Starting the game it was worth playing,
Making a wrong move you wish for a redo,
What you don't know is that it ain't working,
you try to turn around but you can't pass go.
After a few turns or years you start thinking,
Is our time playing worth risking?
Now we are making wrong move and going the wrong way.
Sometimes wondering if we could just stay.
Spinning a wheel is our guild to life,
Picking up tiles to find our pay,
Driving in cars to ride through life to find our way,
The wrong turns will affect our future.
Do we know if we want to continue this game?
Should you give up or keep spinning,
After making too many wrong turns you should give up spinning.
Even if we have a long road ahead,
Making a wrong move is the risk of the game,
Now that your giving up turn in your tiles,
Also turn in your ride and turn in your wheel,
Giving up leaves you at the door,
Now leave, go, and don't come back,
Until you're asked back you won't have another chance at this game,
Life's the gam and sometimes it's not worth playing