Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror on the wall who shall catch me when I fall?

No one my child you're on your own
Just look around you're all alone

Mirror, Mirror I've always been told
that a prince waits for me to have and to hold

My child life has failed
to teach you the difference between truth and fairytales

Mirror, Mirror if life with a handsome prince isn't meant for sure
then tell me please what exactly is in my future?

My child look into the glass for what will be
My child look into the glass and tell me what you see

Mirror, Mirror the only thing I see is me

My child your future is bleak
if love and romance is what you seek

Mirror, Mirror please tell me that isn't all
There must be something I can do to prevent this downfall

My child only you can determine how your story will end
Your life, your course on you it depends

Mirror, Mirror I know that someday I will find love
I have to, I have faith it will be given me from above

My child your faith has served you well
You will be pleased with the news I have to tell

Mirror, Mirror what news have you?
Is it possible my dreams are about to come true?

Yes my child your prince awaits
He is not far off just at the gate

Mirror, Mirror how can this be
If you only just said that love was not for me

My child your faith has served you well
It abounds and is great
Your fait has produced this handsome prince
and determined your fate

Mirror, mirror I am now filled with such glee
My prince has brought me much happiness and complete serenity

My child for you finding love was only about
having faith and believing without any doubts
You kept believing and it came true
True love is possible for everyone and that includes you.