So Pretty, So Tired, So Crooked

I’m so young, you’re so bitter
You could blame it on my constant fits or
Late nights and getting caught
Broken alarm clocks and eyes that are blood shot
You never know when time will cease
Or when the masks will fall from those who beg to please
You put me through hell
So much, that I could care less if you yell
I sit in this living room and pick up that wooden bowl
That used to hold each memory and every useless goal
The nights get blurry and the dancing smooth and fast
Say something sweet, I beg to please
I’m so young, you’re so bitter
You could blame it on my honesty or
Loud fights and being real
Wrapped tether balls and the gripping urge to feel
You know when to distract me
And when faking that you care is taken lightly
This isn’t a show
At least not enough for the world to know
Say something sweet, I beg to please
Say something sweet, put me at ease